The White House Co. is Fargo’s one stop shop for modern + vintage rentals & decor. Schedule a Warehouse Tour with us today!

We can’t wait to meet you!!

We're getting a Storage Unit folks....

This may not be a big deal to you but it's a REALLY big deal to us!  Today embarks the day that we....yes we will be getting a storage Unit!  Our marriages will be saved- our lawn mowers and bikes can fit back into the garage.  And last but not least we will not have random sofas in the middle of our kitchens, although they did come in handy if you were to need to take a break from dishes or cooking supper.  Hence the 4 sofas in my living room.....gahhhhhh!  Yah for STORAGE UNITS! sofa12


Our inventory collection for our Rentals will soon be up on our website so keep a look out and spread the word!  We currently have 9 sofas, tables, chairs, buffets, etc.  We will be renting to your sofa need- weddings, photography props, parties, or if you just need a cute couch in your life for a day- we're your gals.


Cheers to June!  A storage Unit- which means our garages are back open for garage sale season- and a farm sale that is underway- June 19-21!  Who's excited!!!!!!  Stay tuned for our latest projects that will be making their debut at the Farm Sale!






Studio Sale in Minneapolis, Mn

Recap of Garbage Throwout Week{2015} part I.