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//Random Thursday//

clocks4z Just a random Thursday post.  Yesterday we had snow....Yuck...but again it allowed us to get lots of little things done- like tagging for Junk Market!  {tagging is something that is our least favorite parts of being a vendor or having shows- it's the boring part in our minds} We also were able to get a lot of painting done- state pillows- and chicken wire frames complete!  Junk Market has no idea what they are in store for.



We are finally a tish bit prepared for an event!  I don't think we have ever said that or will ever be able to say that again! haha!  I am thinking garbage throw out week may have something to do with it!  We are prepping our bodies for no sleep- lots of laughter- and a yard full of junk!clocks1z


And And.....oh boy we have some really fun news......maybe not really fun to you...but really fun to us!  Our Parents- the greatest supporters of us all- bought us an enclosed trailer!!!! EEEEKK just in time for garabage throw out week! I think our mom had that planned because she doesn't want us to miss out on any of the big stuff this year!!  But Mom- Dad- if you are reading this!  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts- for being a huge support- a pusher of chasing our dreams!  You have spoiled us rotten!  And words cannot explain our happiness and love for you both!  Smooches to you!


Stay tuned as garbage throw out week is fast approaching and we will be filling your feeds on IG, Facebook, and here with lots of fun filled finds!  Saving the earth one piece of junk at a time!




Paper Doily Invites {DIY}

The Ugly Swan-ling